1947.11.07.A Georges F. Doriot.Harvard University.Boston


7th November 1947

My dear Georges,
I know that I am very much older than you, but that is not a reason for you to go on addressing me as "Mr", while I for long have taken the habit of calling you Georges, so if my Christian name is unpalatable to you, just use my surname.
This said, I have to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 14th October, and needless to say that I feel like you, definitely and completely. But I must be guided by our legal adviser, and evidently Mr. Dulles, when he got my letter asking for something more, got the feeling that there was a risk of seeing Professor Langer withdrawing completely and refusing either to write the letter of apology he had promised, or to alter any future edition or translation of his book, under the pretext that all his information came from the files of the State Department and that he could have no responsibility on their accuracy or otherwise. Indeed, I quite understand that such a fear could have materialised, because I know from other quarters that Professor Langer has received several letters and visits of lawyers from other parties, which must have made him very uncomfortable, but at the same might give him cause "de rentrer sous sa tente".
In the circumstances Raymond and I have found it desirable to allow Dulles to go on with the work, the statement is now being printed in its definite form. I have received by air same a first copy of it, which is quite good showing, and it is understood that Mr. Dulles will hand over to you three copies of same, one for your own files, one which I trust you will see no objection to handing over to the President of Harvard University, and one to the Dean if you think it advisable. Should you require another copy, please get it from Mr. Dulles, although we have decided that besides you, the State Department, the Foreign Funds Department, Mssrs. J.P. Morgan & Co., Messrs. Brown, Harrlman & Co., Admiral Hillen Kotter, and a very few others, no publicity will be given to the work.
But at the same time, I have deemed it advisable to write Mr. Robert Lovett a personal letter, copy of which I enclose for your guidance, and, last of all, I am sending you herewith a photograph of the original of the letter, dated 18th September, which I have received from Professor Langer, and which is printed after my Firm's statement.
With kind regards to you both,
I am, my dear Georges,
Yours sincerely,

Professor Georges F. Doriot
Harvard University
Soldiers Field, Boston 63, Mass.

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