1942.05.13.De G.G. Beckett - secrétariat d’État du Canada.Ottawa.A First National Bank of Boston

(Copy dictated over telephone)

Department of the Secretary of State 0ffice of the Custodian

Dated May 13, 1942 at Ottawa
First National Bank of Boston

Dear Sirs: Re: Eastern Provinces Administration Ltd.
I have to refer to our letter of the 28th of April, 1941 with reference to certain assets held by you for the account of the above Canadian company.
In the interval the Company's affairs have been under continued investigation by the Custodian and he has now decided with the approval of all the Directors, including Dr. Doriot, the President, to have all the Company's assets brought to Canada to be held in one account in order to give a more complete control.
I shall be glad accordingly if you will take what ever steps are necessary to transfer assets under your control to Canada for the account of Eastern Provinces Administration Ltd.
In the meantime it would be appreciated by the Custodian if you would permit no transfer or other dealings with these assets without the approval of this Office. Your continued co-operation in this matter will be greatly appreciated.

G. G. Beckett
For Assistant Deputy Custodian

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