1951.04.17.De Det Danske Klukompagni.Copenhage.Courrier


Det Danske Kulkompagni
42 Holmens Kanal
N°439743 - 18 avr. 1951
Copenhagen K.

17th April 1951
Messrs Worms & Cie - 45, boulevard Haussmann, Paris (IX°)

Dear Sirs,
South African coals.
We thank you for your letter of 13th inst., in reply to which we can tell you that in the last months we have taken up some cargoes of South African Coal, but we find that the rates of freight have now reached a level, which is making this business difficult, if not to say impossible.
As you are no doubt aware we have recently fixed the s/s "Bourdonnais" for such business, which vessel we understand is belonging to one of your subsidiary Companies, and as we note from your letter that from time to time you may have further tonnage belonging or time-chartered to your said subsidiary Companies interested in this trade. We beg to advise you that there is a possibility that we could charter further tonnage for a total quantity of upto 30/40000 tons, Lourenco Marques/Denmark with shipment August/September/October in case a rate of freight of 155/- per ton could be carried through.
For your guidance we give you below the chartering conditions:
Lourenco Marques/one good and safe Danish port inside Scaw,
Loading: 800 tons per day fob. and trimmed.
Discharging: 1500 tons per day, owners paying current cost (presently abt. 2/- per t.)
Demurrage: £ 150/200 per day, half despatch both ends for all time saved.
Freight payable on completion of discharge in Sterling cheque on London, no freight advance.
South African Coal Charter (Mann, George & Co.'s form) with usual 2% in lieu of weighing (unless Receivers elect cargo to be weighed out), 2% address commission and 1 1/4% discount.
York/Antwerp rules 1950.
1/3 of 5% chartering brokerage to us.
Vessel to be suitable for grab discharge.
If you resp. your subsidiary Companies should be interested in fixing one or more vessels or taking over the whole contract for shipment as named above we should be pleased to hear from your preferably with firm offer, stating number of decks (max. 2 decks preferred), number and size of hatches and maximum draft on arrival at the discharging port of the vessel in question, when we hope to be able to come to terms with you.
Yours faithfully,

Aktieselskabet Det Danske Kulkompagni

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