1900.08.27.De James Burness and Sons.Londres.Original

Document original

James Burness & Sons

138, Leadenhall Street
London, 27th August 1900

Dear Sirs,

Taff vale railway strike

Referring to our Circular of the 20th inst. we are desired by Messrs Worms & Co. to advise that as they are still debarred from replenishing their Depots with South Wales Coals owing to the continuance of above dispute it is merely a question of a very short time before their stocks of this description must become exhausted and in the interest of their clients they have arranged to ship to their Depots at Algiers, Marseilles and Port Said a moderate quantity of other coals (say North Country, Scotch and/or American) which, so far as they may be available, they will be prepared to supply at current prices which in the meantime will be as follows, say Algiers 38/-, Marseilles 39/-, Port Said 40/-, but upon the understanding that their friends will continue to allow these other coals to be supplied to their steamers until exhausted, even after the Strike is over and shipments have been resumed from Cardiff.
If the Strike continues the available sources of outside supplies will be narrowed down to a greater extent than at present and the prices still further advanced, and consequently the prices abroad for additional shipments may have to be varied from time to time according to circumstances.
In submitting the foregoing for your consideration Messrs Worms & Co. wish us to state that they are actuated by the desire to ensure the supply of your steamers as far as possible under the circumstances, and in the hope that their proposals may meet with your approval we beg to submit a form of acceptance to that effect which we shall be glad if you can see your way to complete and return in course of post.
We are, dear Sirs,
Your truly,

James Burness & Sons

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