1926.07.09.A Westminster Bank Ltd.Londres

NB : La copie image de ce document, de mauvaise qualité, n'a pas été conservée.


9th July 1926.
The Principal
Westminster Bank Ltd 41, Lothbury

Dear Sir,
The purport of the present is to advise you that owing to the death of our Mr G. W. Moore, late Manager of our Cardiff House, on the 17th ultimo, we have given authority and procuration to : Samuel Johnson Arthur, to draw, accept and endorse bills of exchange and promissory notes in our name, for the working of our Cardiff branch, and we hereby acknowledge and hold ourselves liable thereon in the same way as if our signature were attached thereto.
You may treat the above authority and procuration as continuing until we shall give you notice to the contrary in writing under our hand.
We are, Dear Sir,
Yours truly

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