1905.04.01.De Worms et Cie.Paris.Circulaire.Original
Document original
Worms & Co., Grimsby
W. H. Ingram, 13, Cross Street, Manchester
Worms & Co., Dieppe
Worms & Co., Havre
Worms & Co., 2, cité Rougemont, Paris
45, bd Haussmann
Paris, 1st April, 1905
Dear Sir,
We beg to inform you that we have this day taken over from Messrs. Leblanc, Guian & Co. (late A. Grandchamp Fils & Co.,) of Dieppe, the steamers owned by them and shall in future carry on the regular line of steamers between Dieppe and Grimsby, which will be under the general control of our Havre house and under the management of Mr. E. Le Magnen who has for a considerable number of years been acting for our predecessors and who will have charge of the branch house which we have now opened at Dieppe under our own name.
Mr. James Robinson will continue to act as manager of our branch office at Grimsby, but we shall be glad if in future you will address all communications, documents and remittances to the firm.
We hope that the good relations which have hitherto existed between you and Messrs. Leblanc, Guian & Co. may be extended to our firm, and you may rest assured that every effort shall be made to merit your confidence and a continuance of your valuable support.
We are, dear Sir,
Yours truly,
Worms & Co.