1918.11.20.Au Ministry of Shipping.Londres

Ministry of Shipping
Saint James's Park, SW1
20th November 1918

Referring to the letter you gave me yesterday from Messrs Worms & Co. of Paris relative to the "Listrac", I have had enquiries made and find that it is not the intention of this Government to deal with any but British ships. In these circumstances I should suggest Messrs Worms should put the case of the "Listrac" before the French Government.
So far as the British ships are concerned, I think it is the intention to get the boats out of German ports to a neutral country or the United Kingdom, but what steps will be taken in regard to compensation for damage and deterioration is a matter, I think, that will be discussed at a later date, in all probability during peace negotiations.
I understood from you yesterday that the number of French steamers in German ports was very few; eventually some arrangement might be made between the French and this Government to leave the negotiations entirely to the British authorities.
If I can be of any further assistance to you in this matter I shall be only too pleased.

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