1917.01.17.De James Burness and Sons.Londres

James Burness & Sons
London and 3, Bute Crescent - Cardiff
138, Leadenhall Street

London, 17th January 1917
Messrs Worms & Co - Paris

Dear Sirs,
Marseilles. We beg to acknowledge receipt of your favors of the 12th & 13th inst. with reference to time chartering steamers and as regards the "King Idwal" our letter of yesterday will have explained that the Owners have now asked the Admiralty to put her on requisition rather than that they should accept an ore freight home.
This afternoon we told you we had just had placed in our hands Messrs Burness, Withy & Co's estimate of a round voyage by the "Chrisomalli Th. Sifneo" to Marseilles & back with ore which we had not had time to examine but their figures showed that the outward freight on the coal would be 174s/4d. Since then we see that these figures are based on 51 days for the round voyage with 15s/- home for the ore; we do not think ourselves it would be safe to base on less than 65 days for the round voyage.
We were asked to see Lord Inchcape with reference to the matter when we explained to him that Messrs Furness, Withy & Co. had been time chartering boats, we understood for account of the British Government, which were allocated on their outward voyages between the French & Italian Commissions who in their turn re-allocated them to those firms whose consignees they considered to he most in want of the coal in Prance & Italy, also that Messrs Purness, Withy & Co. arranged to "bring these steamers home with ore for account of the Ministry of Munitions. Lord Inchcape decided that he could not accept the boat on the terms Messrs Purness, Withy & Co. offered and we understand he is endeavouring to make other arrangements for the coaling of any February steamers due at Marseilles after the date up to which you can provide coal, viz. the 7th February; this in order to give further time to go into matters, and one of the Deputy Managers is to see Mr. Lewis of Messrs Furness, Withy & Co. tomorrow as well as the Controller of Shipping at the Admiralty.
We are, dear Sirs,
Yours truly,

James Burness & Sons

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