1905.00.De Worms et Cie Port-Saïd


Liste des flottes étrangères touchant Port-Saïd

American navy

No contract at present but tenders are now under department consideration. All tender at equal prices.

American army

All tendered at same price and Worms & Co's tender was department accepted for the second time.

Austrian navy

Corys have hold this contract for some years bit have no prescriptive right to it.

British navy

Contract tendered for on this side. By arrangement here it goes alternately to Lamberts & Wills.

Chinese navy

Coaling arranged on this side steamer by steamer.

Danish navy

Believe have no contract.

Dutch navy

Corys have hold this contract for some years but have no prescriptive right to it.

French navy

Contract tendered for locally. Only French firms are asked to tender and Savon (representing Cory Bros. & Co) have by agreement made a friendly tender in return for Worms & Co doing the same to N. G. I.

German navy

Corys have held the contract for many years but not by any special agreement with the others. Believe no contract exists at present moment.

Italian navy

Contract on this side. Wills & Co have had the business last but "believe no contract in existence at present.

Japanese navy

Worms & Cie have had the business for many years and have it still.

Portuguese navy

Believe allocated to Wills & Co by local arrangement.

Russian navy

Coaling arranged locally and divided between Worms & Co and Lambert by local agreement.

Spanish navy

Believe goes along with Cia Trasatlantica.

Turkish navy

Believe allocated to Port Said & Suez Coal Co by local arrangement.

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