1905.00.De Worms et Cie Port-Saïd
Liste des flottes étrangères touchant Port-Saïd
American navy | No contract at present but tenders are now under department consideration. All tender at equal prices. |
American army | All tendered at same price and Worms & Co's tender was department accepted for the second time. |
Austrian navy | Corys have hold this contract for some years bit have no prescriptive right to it. |
British navy | Contract tendered for on this side. By arrangement here it goes alternately to Lamberts & Wills. |
Chinese navy | Coaling arranged on this side steamer by steamer. |
Danish navy | Believe have no contract. |
Dutch navy | Corys have hold this contract for some years but have no prescriptive right to it. |
French navy | Contract tendered for locally. Only French firms are asked to tender and Savon (representing Cory Bros. & Co) have by agreement made a friendly tender in return for Worms & Co doing the same to N. G. I. |
German navy | Corys have held the contract for many years but not by any special agreement with the others. Believe no contract exists at present moment. |
Italian navy | Contract on this side. Wills & Co have had the business last but "believe no contract in existence at present. |
Japanese navy | Worms & Cie have had the business for many years and have it still. |
Portuguese navy | Believe allocated to Wills & Co by local arrangement. |
Russian navy | Coaling arranged locally and divided between Worms & Co and Lambert by local agreement. |
Spanish navy | Believe goes along with Cia Trasatlantica. |
Turkish navy | Believe allocated to Port Said & Suez Coal Co by local arrangement. |