1899.10.05.De Eduardo Risso and C°.A G. de Boisduval.Buenos Aires.Original
Document original
Buenos Aires, 5th October 1899
G. du Boisduval Esqr
The object of the present is to authorize you to represent our firm at the meeting that is to take place in London with the representatives of Messrs Wilson Sons & C°, Worms & C° and Cory Bros & C° Ltd, and to accept whatever agreement respecting coal business in this market which in your conscience you may consider equitable.
When you deem it opportune you may consult us telegraphically, either direct, or through you own firm.
We shall be glad if your voyage to Europe results as advantageously to the business in general as we wish and wishing you a prosperous journey, we remain, etc.
Edouardo Risso & C°